
Friday Favourites

Wondering why we're showing you these images? Or are you clever and noticed what was going on in each photo? Well dear readers, you may need to bring out your magnifying glass (or eat more carrots, whatever works) but there just so happens to be a man in each of these images and no it's not Waldo. We'll give you a minute to scroll through again and try and find him.............................. did you see him? Some are a little tricker then others, but for those that were quick in the search we'll keep talking. So what your seeing here is the work of Chinese artist Liu Bolin or better known today as 'the invisible man'. Bolin first started this project, titled 'Hiding in the City' after the Chinese government destroyed Beijing's artist village, Suo Jia Cun in November 2005. At the time of this destruction, Bolin had been working in the artist village, which had been previously named Asia's largest congregation of artists. Prompted by his emotional response to the demolition of this site, Bolin decided to use his art as a means of silent protest, calling attention to the lack of protection Chinese artists had received from their own government. Bolin painted himself entirely to blend himself into various settings in Beijing. This created a space for the Chinese artist, preserving their social status and highlighting their often troubled relationship with their physical surroundings.  Bolin also painted himself and stepped into well known surroundings in Venice for its significance within the Western art tradition and New York City for the influence of the unexpressed conflicts between humans and the objects they create.The attention to detail is incredible, every paint stroke matches the colour of it's surroundings and every line and plane aligns with the symmetry already in place, a true indication of his skill and devotion to his art. 

This is the type of person who you would probably rather not play a game of hide and seek with, I think he has a bit of an advantage to finding the perfect hiding spot!

We hope you enjoyed this week's friday favourites! Don't forget there's new product arriving regularly so come on in and check it out, we'd love to see you! Have a lovely weekend! 

*Images from enpundit.com 

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Friday favourites are my favourite!
