
New- Coconut Carved Jewellery

Tree of Life- Autumn Tree Coconut Shell Necklace $32

Bird Coconut Shell Necklace $32

Butterfly Coconut Shell Necklace $32

Tree of Life- Spring Tree Coconut Shell Necklace $32

Other Designs Available, Adjustable Cord

Bird Coconut Wrap Bracelet $50

Tree of Life- Autumn Tree Coconut Wrap Bracelet $50
These beautiful new pieces of jewellery are by jeweller Walter Munoz of One Heart Designs. Walter, originally from Guatemala, grew up surrounded by the beautiful Guatemala outdoors. It's jungles, lakes, mountains and ancient Maya ruins, was a wonderful environment for the beginning of an artist’s life. Walter still uses inspiration from these landscapes when he creates his jewellery.

Walter makes his jewellery in the artisania tradition. Walter describes Artisania as "a collective art - the designs are not representative of any one country or culture, but rather embody influences that travelling artisanos pass amongst each other and the changing surroundings they experience as they travel and work".  Walter's love for travel and experiencing new cultures makes creating jewellery in the artisania tradition his perfect form of expression –  as creating his jewellery does not require any special tools or equipment beyond his own creativity and a pair of scissors, which can travel with him
wherever he goes.

The jewellery pieces that we carry are all hand carved out of coconut. Walter takes coconut shells, that would otherwise be thrown away, and dries them out. He then cuts them into workable pieces, carves out his desired design using a very fine blade on a scroll saw and then sands the coconut down until it is silky smooth.

The detail in these pieces is quite incredible, especially when you know that it was all done by hand. These necklaces and bracelets are the perfect accessory for anyone who has a soft spot for the environment (which we hope you all do) as they are carved out of 100% natural material. They are a very light weight and have an adjustable cord so you can wear it how you please. This jewellery really is a little piece of wearable art! Come see them in person, you're going to love 'em!

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