
Friday Favourites

With today's gloomy and rainy forecast it only made sense to showcase the most recent work of photographer Gavin Hammond. Being from London England, Hammond is no stranger to damp and dreary days, but instead of hiding out indoors, Hammond finds inspiration in the city's puddles. These photographs showcase the beautiful architecture of the city as well as the everyday hustle and bustle of tourists and Londoners from the view point of a puddle. It can sometimes be hard to find inspiration and beauty on rainy days but Hammond seems to be able to capture just that in his cities dampened streets. Capturing a city in it's blurred form through the ripples of collected raindrops, creates a magical yet haunting image. However, it is a wonderful reminder that even in the gloomiest of days beauty is still around us....especially if it's mirrored back to us in a a puddle.

We hope you all take a minute today to enjoy the beauty around you and see what magical world's are hidden within a simple little puddle (and once you've captured that beautiful image let your inner child come out and make a splash!)

If your not one for puddle watching there's lots of beautiful and cheerful things to see in the shop, so grab your raincoat and come in and take a look!

Have a wonderful weekend friends and we hope to see you soon!

*Photo Credit: Gavin Hammond 

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